Hi Nicole,
Thank you for reaching out with this question for support.
While there are some incredible herbs that can help people increase or steady their blood cell count, and you have some potentially great ideas (it’s very nice that your friend has someone who is taking time to look into this side of holistic health care for him), this is a case that I would strongly recommend your friend see a Herbal Practitioner or a Naturopathic Doctor.
With the dialysis, diabetes and concerns with red blood cell count, you friend needs professional herbal support that can be in communication with his other primary health care physicians, is consistent, has had experience in this realm before, knows how to dose appropriately and how to monitor for any warning signs, red flags and when to refer on. Herbal practitioners will have had this training and it is really important not to experiment without appropriate communication with his whole team and awareness of dose criticality, or any contraindications and side effects.
Some herbal practitioners may have a specialty in this area and even some practitioners may not feel like they are fully equipped to take on his case. Do not be disheartened by this however, because there are likely herbalists that can and will work with you/him. Would you like to have some suggestions on where you might find a herbal practitioner or naturopath suitable to him and his location?
With warmth and hope for the support your friend needs,