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Reply To: Herbal Body Products & Gift Making 

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Sarah Nakatsuka

Hi all ~ Beeswax Pellets question: I have generally grated beeswax from a larger piece for salves. The suggestion from this course to use the pellets inspired me to give them a try. The ones I ordered looked great – certified organic. However, I opened the package and the smell is rather off-putting. Rather than anything resembling that traditional beeswax smell, it smells like chemicals, or petroleum. It was so off-putting that I didn’t end up using them in the batch of salves I was intending them for. I messaged the company and they assured me they are certified organic and there are no chemicals, and they undergo strict regulations. Has anyone else experienced this smell with the pellets? Perhaps this is normal, and the smell goes away when they are melted? Thanks in advance for any experienced words of reassurance or advice.