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Reply To: Materia Medica 

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Lee Anne Tegart

I am using it in the Stress Tea from the Herbal Therapeutics course and have had a hard time finding it when I purchase my other herbs so I decided to grow it in my garden (the bees sure love it). I understand the seed oil is beneficial for the skin but this is not the purpose I’d be using it for. I’ve been harvesting the flowers often throughout the summer to encourage new ones but am now getting ready to harvest the entire plant. While I’m removing the leaf from the stems and any flowers, should I discard the buds or is it ok to have them in with my dried end product? I’ve read the flowers are best harvested just prior to full bloom but they are fast at this stage and very difficult to spot so was thinking the buds may be beneficial as well?
Regarding the liver toxic alkaloids, should I be concerned with the dose of 10gr borage in a 50gr combination taken twice a day at 2tsp/cup infusion? And if so could I replace it with another adrenal tonic? There is a wide age range of people I think this tea could be beneficial for from 20-80+. I have already seen some good results using it without the borage.
Thank you so much for your time
Lee Anne