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Reply To: Materia Medica 

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Hello Lee Anne,

Medicinally, borage leaves, flowers, and seeds are used. Some countries restrict borage usage, as the plant contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids which can be liver toxic. However, many herbalists still frequently use borage, as it is considered safe at a therapeutic dose. I’d recommend you read more about those alkaloids if interested!

The seeds are used for their anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic properties. They are rich in GLA, or Gamma linolenic acid, and are used frequently in topical oils to support eczema, psoriasis, and other chronic skin conditions. The seed oil can be taken internally as well, and some studies have proven a protective effect on DNA by modulating oxidative genetic damage.

The flowers and leaves are used for their adrenal gland restorative, anti-depressive, galactagogue, demulcent/emollient, and anti-anemic properties. The flowers are so lovely in a salad! And so pretty. I love including borage in, for its adrenal gland support but also the mood. It ‘cheers the heart and raises drooping spirits’, as Dioscorides stated.
