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Learn the basics of homeopathy, the 10 most common homeopathic remedies, and how homeopathic applications can be used in minor injuries or support recovery alongside conventional medical therapies.
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Dr. Shoshana Scott began studying organic chemistry and won the gold medal at the University of Winnipeg. She switched to Homeopathy after working in a busy homeopathic clinic under a Homeopathic Doctor in Winnipeg. Inspired by Dr. Leelamma Nielsen, Dr. Scott completed a four-year degree in Homeopathic Medical Science with an internship at Father Mueller's Homeopathic Medical College and Hospital in Manganlore, India. Dr. Scott has a strong interest in bringing Homeopathy into mainstream medicine as a gentle, effective choice in healthcare. Dr. Scott now practices at the integrated medical clinic at the Victoria Community Health Cooperative in James Bay, Victoria, BC. She is on the faculty at Pacific Rim College.
Did you know that homeopathic medicine can aid in a person’s ability to recover from acute trauma? Homeopathy is a specialized medical system that uses micro-doses (ie. extremely diluted, highly shaken-doses) to encourage the body’s innate capacity to heal from psychological and physical ailments. Become familiar with homeopathic applications for first aid situations and gain confidence in applying these remedies at home safely and effectively in conjunction with standard medical practices.
Homeopathy is a gentle approach to healthcare. It is suitable for people experiencing minor concerns and can be used in emergency situations in conjunction with conventional medicine. It can assist in reducing the traumatic effects of pain, shock, fear, and grief, and support healing from physical abrasions. Whether you are an acupuncturist, nutritionist, general healthcare provider, or are simply interested in helping your family, loved ones, or pets, this course will be a great addition to your healthcare toolkit.
You will learn about:
Remedies Covered
Aconite napellus, Arnica montana, Apis mellifica, Belladonna, Cantharis, Carbo veg, Hypericum perforatum, Ignatia Tamara, Ledum palustre, Calendula officinalis.
Medical Disclaimer
The content of this course is designed to provide education for information purposes only. It is not offering medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or care, nor is it intended to be a substitute for such advice, diagnosis, treatment, or care. Statements made about remedies may not have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, Health Canada, or any other health regulator or government. Always seek the advice of a physician or another qualified health provider properly licensed to practice medicine or health care in your jurisdiction concerning any questions you may have regarding any information obtained from this course, and any medical condition relevant to you or someone else. This course is not sufficient training for educating medical practitioners. Students who take this course must not hold themselves out as medical practitioners or advertise themselves as providing medical advice.
Enjoy the highest quality online education, from curriculum through to production.
“Great introduction course to learn more about natural remedies—I will enroll in another one of the courses here for sure.”
Lindsay Lowe - Nova Scotia, Canada
“Took homeopathics for fear of driving. I was able to drive 600 km in an intense rainstorm from Toronto to Kingston and back and another 300 km from Toronto to London in a snow and wind storm. Did I enjoy it? No, but I was able to do it.”
“I am pleased to say that myself along with eight other immediate family members spanning three generations are all patients of Dr. Scott’s and we have all been successfully treated for numerous chronic and acute health needs that arise.”
“Great quality – everything was clear and concise and well laid out/explained. Perfect as a starter to Homeopathy – just the right amount of info to feel confident and not overwhelmed.”
Ashlie Allan - Saskatoon, SK, Canada